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How will the conference be run?

RQA's virtual conference will be run in RQA's online event platform, which is accessible from any page by just clicking the 'Event Platform' orange button on the right hand side of your screen. Here you will see all conferences you have access to. All details will be emailed to you in the run-up to the event.

How do I login?

Please just login to the RQA website as usual and click the 'Event Platform' button and you will be automatically logged in.

What software do you use?

We use Zoom to host the meetings - generally in a virtual conference all delegate lines will be muted unless it is a session designed for delegate participation.

How do I ask questions?

To ensure everyone gets to see all questions and can up-vote the ones they are interested in, we use either Slido or Zoom for delegates to ask their questions to speakers. 

If you have any questions, just email us on conferences@therqa.com or use the live webchat function on the website.





Virtual Event Platform